Thursday, March 11, 2010

Session with the NGO's - ideas for next time

Two of the younger members, from Rawanda and Togo

Rosy Weiss, International Alliance of Women, facilitated the meeting, looking at recommendations for next year.

Renee Gerard, France, and member of the International Alliance, and the International Federation of University Women

Elisabeth Newman, VP, and Cosima Schenk, President, International Council of Women

A few of us gathered to come up with a report on issues faced by NGOs at this session of the Commission on the Status of Women - basically long line ups, and access to delgates, and information. There were some recommendations, that were captured by Rosy Weiss. These will form a report, which will be sent to the appropriate authorities. We developed a list of e-mails, to stay informed for next years CSW.

The 55th session: the priority theme will be “Access and participation of women and girls to education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work” and progress will be evaluated in the implementation of the agreed conclusions from the fifty-first session on “The elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child."

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